Sometime this is exactly how I feel. Here's my sign. Don't go too fast but don't go to slow. And, good luck!
Gee thanks. Is that all the clearer it gets?
Well, if I go that way it might take me here, but if I go this way it might take me there. And then I might think that I've got it figured out until the road splits. Isn't it amazing, with all the paths that we can travel in life, only one person knows which way is the right way.
So, do I make the most of the path that I take, or do I turn around when it gets bumpy? Or should I run when it gets dark, or just keep traveling and know that he's with me? Our, do I just sit at the crossroads and go nowhere? How do I know what to do? How do I know where to go?
As some of you may already know, I've been feeling a little lost lately. But now I've been tossed an opportunity and I'm really struggling. I can't tell you completely what is going on but what I can say is that ever since I was introduced to blogging, I have been in love with it. No, that doesn't mean that I've blogged every day since, or that I know everything about it- by no means. But it does mean that it is something that I really enjoy doing. My struggle has always been that I have felt as though the things that I have to write about are of no interest to anybody but me and my besties, and maybe that's true, but I've wanted to have something interesting. I've wanted to blog about things that will keep people coming back because they like what I do and what I blog about. And now I'm trying to figure out if what I've wanted is right in front of me, and even more, if I'm following the right arrow on my sign.
Sometime in life I wish things were just plain and simple. Black and white. Yes and no. Something sort of like this...
Yeah, just like this! I wish someone would just point me to this and say "here's your sign!"

my opinion for you is that you take the path of making a real business out of the stuff you sold this morning. I also think you need to be bold about it too! Make it known that you are making it and selling it! You have a real talent at making that stuff and deciding on which colors, patterns and styles to use. So quit being so scared and be BOLD! But, like I said that is just my opinion.
I am having a "where is my sign?" kinda day, too
Kelly, I'm thinking of you and I hope you find direction throughout the days to come.
Hey Jenny, we saw that you entered our blog design giveaway at Skip To My Lou a little while back, and we want to offer you 30% off any blog design package! Please contact us at if you're interested. Thanks!
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